Sunday, November 23, 2014

And now a word...

Thanks for you guys' support! Hex. vol. 1 is now on sale!
Check it out!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

055 2.10 Thundertwins

This ep took more preparation than usual as I had to figure out a lot of things about cannons. Our cannons are based on Falconets, actually. I was going to make them breechloaders, but changed my mind after seeing how many panels I ended up with. Anyway, Tomoko Hirabayashi makes such fascinating supporting characters that I fall in love with them time and again and have to write episodes for them.

054 2.9 Trilby Thistledown and Bunter’s Cove part 6

Trilby planned a beautiful dramatic ending last episode, but of course didn't plan her exit. Actors! Never thinking about what happens after the curtain comes down.